Monday, December 2, 2013


This year I’m doing things a little different. This isn’t to say that I’m not grateful or that I don’t care about gratitude, it’s really the opposite. I don’t think we should have just one day of the year where we think about what we’re grateful for but that we should think about it every day of the year. We shouldn’t feel pressured during the holiday season to list all the things we’re happy to have in our lives and I could never make a complete list of everything I’m grateful for. Every day of our lives should have something beautiful and wonderful for us to be thankful more. 

So this year, I’m taking a deep breath and realizing that this is simply a time to reflect on all the amazing things this life brings to us. We don’t need to make lists of all the obvious things like health, happiness, family and friends but rather think about the unique things that make this life so special. We don’t need to have everything on our thankful lists, we just need to have it in our hearts. 

So here it is, my little-bit-different thankful list:
  • Skippy - I’m so grateful that this little bundle of joy came into our lives at just the perfect time. Mike and I are able to celebrate our first holiday season in our own little apartment together with our precious little furry girl. She keeps us on our town and the eyes in the back of our head moving at all times!
  • Boston - I’m thankful to be able to live in such a wonderful city that allows us to be just close enough to so many of our favorite things. We’re just a short drive from Connecticut and Rhode Island to see Mike’s family and a hop, skip and a jump away from Vermont to see our friends! Also, Boston airport has some pretty cheap flights that allow us to get away from this city we love at a decent price!
  • December - I’m so happy you are here! We have so many exciting things happening this month and I cannot wait for them to begin. My best friend, Lily, is coming the first weekend, my mom comes the day after Lily leaves to celebrate my graduation from nursing school with some more of my favorite people, my sister comes home from Afghanistan, a weekend getaway in Vermont the next weekend to see my favorite family, Christmas, New Years and my sisters birthday!
  • Fluidity - while we try to plan many things and make our lives a little easier for ourselves, I am thankful that unexpected things happen all the time. It keeps life exciting and keeps us moving through this special time in our lives. 
  • Support - I would never have made it through this past year without the amazing love and support of so many people; too many to list. I’ve certainly had the worst of the worst and the best of the best and I couldn’t have done it without these wonderful people. I’m sure you all know who you are :)
  • Challenges - I'm so thankful for all the challenges I have faced this past year. I have grown and changed in so many ways and can't say I would be who I am now without this year of my life. 
  • iPhone cameras - our two little iPhones have captured so many things this past year that we would have easily forgotten about without the quick click of a button. You capture the moments that sometimes slip our minds. 
  • No dishwasher - at times this is a curse and at times this is a blessing. Not having a dishwasher and having a pile of dishes at the end of the night when we have friends over is the best reminder that we are so lucky to have this place of our own and be able to have so many of our best friends visit for delicious food, insightful conversation and the best company.

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